Intuitive Healing Meditation

Intuitive Healing is the art of connecting to your own body. Intuitive healing assumes that you take all responsibility for your own healing. This healing begins when you realise that the causes of your problems are hidden within you, not outside of you. External factors such as nutrition, infections, and living conditions provide only a background for the development of a disease. There is something deeper inside a person that determines the development of a disease. These deeper factors are intimate emotions, ingrained beliefs and mind programming. These could have started as far back in time to when a person was conceived and even beyond that.

To uncover and release these deeper factors I have created these Intuitive Healing Meditation CDs.

Intuitive Healing Meditations CDs

Overcome Stress Naturally with Intuitive Healing


Positive thinking alone is not enough to turn your life around. You must implement strategies to change your emotions from negative and agitated to loving and calming. This will help you create peace in your own heart. Only then you can be free from stress and healed from inside out.

This CD will help you to overcome stress naturally using your own intuitive healing power. Step by step you will be guided to heal yourself.

Price : $29.99 + Postage
MP3 (Electronic Download)
Price : $17.00


  1. Silencing the mind through focused breathing
  2. Becoming aware of the body
  3. Feeling the subtle body energy
  4. Directing energy to the stress affected body parts and rejuvenating them
  5. Feeling the energy of inner smile and creating the memory of inner smile
  6. Fill yourself with love and kindness, then share it with others
  7. Feel a state of gratitude for your healing

Approximate Running Time: 60 Minutes

Meditation is probably the single most effective way of dealing with stress. Intuitive healing meditation is unique because it focuses on accessing your own intuitive abilities and using them to heal yourself.

Freedom from Pain Using the Intuitive Healing Technique


This CD will assist you to activate your own intuitive healing ability and help to relieve pain naturally.

You will also find the meaning ofthe pain in your life. With the help of this guided meditation you will be able tune in to your body and get to the spot where you experience pain. You will be guided to clean out the blockages and the densities from the place of pain. You will also be guided to heal negative emotions and create more joy, happiness and pleasure in your life.

Let the self-healing processes be a joyful part of your everyday life.

Price : $29.99 + Postage
MP3 (Electronic Download)
Price : $17.00


  1. Introduction: How to use this audio program for the greatest effect
  2. Quieting the mind and connecting with your body
  3. Tuning in to the spot of pain requiring pain relief
  4. Activating your intuitive healing power and healing the body
  5. Erasing negative emotions
  6. Connecting to love, joy and pleasure
  7. Feeling a state of gratitude for your healing

Approximate Running Time: 60 Minutes

Intuitive healing occurs when there is no separation between mind, body and spirit. Power flows from this unity. Our capacity to heal strengthens as we become one.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation with Intuitive Healing


Progressive relaxation helps you control the state of tension in your muscles.It involves tensing specific muscle groups and then relaxing them to create awareness of tension and relaxation. It is called progressive because it goes through all major muscle groups in the body, relaxing them one at a time, and eventually leads to total muscle relaxation.

Long standing, unreleased muscle tension allows toxic chemicals to grow inside your muscles. This eventually leads to a toxic body and even illness. With this particular meditation you will be able to release all tension and eliminate the toxicity from your body.

Step by step you’ll be guided to relax and experience a joyful and loving state.

Price : $29.99 + Postage
MP3 (Electronic Download)
Price : $17.00


  1. Introduction: How to use this recording for its greatest benefit
  2. Quieting the mind and connecting with your body
  3. Relaxing all major muscles groups, one at a time
  4. Activating your intuitive healing power for greater health
  5. Connecting to love, joy and pleasure
  6. Feeling a state of gratitude for your healing

Approximate Running Time: 60 Minutes

Meditation is probably the single most effective way of dealing with stress. Intuitive healing meditation is unique because it focuses on accessing your own intuitive abilities and using them to heal yourself.

Body Scan Meditation with Intuitive Healing


The purpose of body scan meditation is to study the entire body; part by part. It’s like going through your whole body with an x-ray machine checking it organ by organ, muscle by muscle, and bone by bone. This type of x-ray is actually your attention, your mind and your energy.

Body scan meditation helps you experience your body sensations; acknowledge them, tune into them and understand them. It gives you the ability to listen to your body’s messages. It allows you to heal, relax and rejuvenate the body parts that require healing.

Step by step you’ll be guided to explore your body.

Price : $29.99 + Postage
MP3 (Electronic Download)
Price : $17.00


  1. Introduction: How to use this recording for its greatest benefit
  2. Quieting the mind and connecting with your body
  3. Scanning the body, starting from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes
  4. Activating your intuitive healing power for greater health
  5. Connecting to love, joy and pleasure
  6. Feeling a state of gratitude for your healing

Approximate Running Time: 60 Minutes

Meditation is probably the single most effective way of dealing with stress. Intuitive healing meditation is unique because it focuses on accessing your own intuitive abilities and using them to heal yourself.